1.1 Call to Order 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes for either the full agenda or the consent calendar must be made at this time
Shareholder Reports
Comments from Board Members
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Agenda and Non–agenda items) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non–agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item will be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non–agenda items will be held before the Consent Motion if there are three yellow cards or less per topic. If there are more than three yellow cards per topic then the comments from the audience will be held until the end of the agenda.
Reports: Coronado Pathways Charter School 2014-15 Budget Report (written
Shareholder Reports
Adopt the Coronado Unified School District 2014-15 Budget (30 minutes)
Adopt Resolution to Identify the Amount of Expenditure Reductions Needed in 2015-16 and 2016-17 (30 minutes)
Approve the Tentative Agreement between the Association of Coronado Teachers and Coronado Unified School District
Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Creation in the State General Fund an Education Protection Account to Receive and Disburse Revenue Derived from Incremental Increases in Taxes Imposed by Article XIII, Section 36[f]
Approve Memorandum of Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District and Lenoir-Rhyne University
Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
Adopt Resolution Accepting the Child Care and Development Funding Terms and Conditions for the 2014-2015 School Year for the California State Preschool Program at Silver Strand School and Authorizing Staff to Sign the Contract
Approve the Adoption of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for CUSD for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 school years
Adopt AP World History Textbook for Coronado High School
Award Contract for the Coronado Unified School District “Pilot Security System - Procurement and Installation of an Access Control, Intercom and Video Surveillance Project” at Palm Academy During the Summer of 2014 (Action) TABLED on June 12, 2014
Award Bid for the CUSD 2013/14-002 Concrete and Railing Repair – Coronado High School Stadium Bleachers
Award Bid for the CUSD 2013/14-003 Lock Retrofit – District-wide Facilities
Organizational Business: Upcoming Meetings: Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, August 21, 2014, 4:30 PM, District Office
CLOSED SESSION 7.1 Discussion of pending negotiations with ACT and CSEA (Employee Organizations) with Superintendent Felix (Chief Negotiator), per Government Code 5495 7.2 Superintendent’s Public Employee Performance: Annual Evaluation of Superintendent Dr. Felix, Government Code 54957 and Board Policy 2140 9.0 ADJOURN
1.1 Call to Order 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes for either the full agenda or the consent calendar must be made at this time
Shareholder Reports
Comments from Board Members
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Agenda and Non–agenda items) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non–agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item will be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non–agenda items will be held before the Consent Motion if there are three yellow cards or less per topic. If there are more than three yellow cards per topic then the comments from the audience will be held until the end of the agenda.
Reports: Coronado Pathways Charter School 2014-15 Budget Report (written
Shareholder Reports
Adopt the Coronado Unified School District 2014-15 Budget (30 minutes)
Adopt Resolution to Identify the Amount of Expenditure Reductions Needed in 2015-16 and 2016-17 (30 minutes)
Approve the Tentative Agreement between the Association of Coronado Teachers and Coronado Unified School District
Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Creation in the State General Fund an Education Protection Account to Receive and Disburse Revenue Derived from Incremental Increases in Taxes Imposed by Article XIII, Section 36[f]
Approve Memorandum of Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District and Lenoir-Rhyne University
Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
Adopt Resolution Accepting the Child Care and Development Funding Terms and Conditions for the 2014-2015 School Year for the California State Preschool Program at Silver Strand School and Authorizing Staff to Sign the Contract
Approve the Adoption of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for CUSD for the 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 school years
Adopt AP World History Textbook for Coronado High School
Award Contract for the Coronado Unified School District “Pilot Security System - Procurement and Installation of an Access Control, Intercom and Video Surveillance Project” at Palm Academy During the Summer of 2014 (Action) TABLED on June 12, 2014
Award Bid for the CUSD 2013/14-002 Concrete and Railing Repair – Coronado High School Stadium Bleachers
Award Bid for the CUSD 2013/14-003 Lock Retrofit – District-wide Facilities
Organizational Business: Upcoming Meetings: Regular Board Meeting, Thursday, August 21, 2014, 4:30 PM, District Office
CLOSED SESSION 7.1 Discussion of pending negotiations with ACT and CSEA (Employee Organizations) with Superintendent Felix (Chief Negotiator), per Government Code 5495 7.2 Superintendent’s Public Employee Performance: Annual Evaluation of Superintendent Dr. Felix, Government Code 54957 and Board Policy 2140 9.0 ADJOURN