1.0 CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2.0 OPEN SESSION (15 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda
Board Recognition Congratulating Retiring Staff Members: John Coolidge, Bradford Couture, Kathy Couture, Eileen Farrell, Debra Hatheway, Constance Johnson, Karen Maggio, Steve Patrick, Wendy Toomey, Tracy Walmsley, and Sandra White
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (20 min.) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non-agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item may be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non-agenda items will be heard before the Consent Motion if there are three speaker cards or less per topic. If there are more than three speaker cards per topic, then the comments from the audience may be held until the end of the agenda.
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a yellow card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2020 4.2 Approve the Personnel Register 4.3 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Proposed Budget
LCAP COVID-19 Operations Written Report
ACTION ITEMS (15 min.) Adopt Resolution 20-06-01 to Establish a Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units
6.2. Adoption of New College Prep (CP) Chemistry Textbooks for Coronado High School (Information) 6.3. Pearson Elevate Science Curriculum for Coronado Middle School
REPORTS (20 min.) CSEA Report - Marshall Redding (5 min.)
ACT Report - Jennifer Landry (5 min.)
Distance Learning Update (5 min. + Board Discussion)
Business Services Report: Proposed 2020-21 Budget (10 min. presentation/discussion)
Superintendent's Report: Long Range Plan Update (5 min. + Board Discussion)
FIRST READING (5 min.) College and Careers Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement
2020 CUSD LCAP Federal Addendum
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS 9.1 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings 9.2 Upcoming Meetings Regular Board Meeting, June 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, August 13, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, September 10, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, October 15, 2020 12.0 ADJOURN
1.0 CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2.0 OPEN SESSION (15 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda
Board Recognition Congratulating Retiring Staff Members: John Coolidge, Bradford Couture, Kathy Couture, Eileen Farrell, Debra Hatheway, Constance Johnson, Karen Maggio, Steve Patrick, Wendy Toomey, Tracy Walmsley, and Sandra White
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (20 min.) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non-agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item may be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non-agenda items will be heard before the Consent Motion if there are three speaker cards or less per topic. If there are more than three speaker cards per topic, then the comments from the audience may be held until the end of the agenda.
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a yellow card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2020 4.2 Approve the Personnel Register 4.3 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services
Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Proposed Budget
LCAP COVID-19 Operations Written Report
ACTION ITEMS (15 min.) Adopt Resolution 20-06-01 to Establish a Capital Project Fund for Blended Component Units
6.2. Adoption of New College Prep (CP) Chemistry Textbooks for Coronado High School (Information) 6.3. Pearson Elevate Science Curriculum for Coronado Middle School
REPORTS (20 min.) CSEA Report - Marshall Redding (5 min.)
ACT Report - Jennifer Landry (5 min.)
Distance Learning Update (5 min. + Board Discussion)
Business Services Report: Proposed 2020-21 Budget (10 min. presentation/discussion)
Superintendent's Report: Long Range Plan Update (5 min. + Board Discussion)
FIRST READING (5 min.) College and Careers Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement
2020 CUSD LCAP Federal Addendum
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS 9.1 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings 9.2 Upcoming Meetings Regular Board Meeting, June 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, August 13, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, September 10, 2020 Regular Board Meeting, October 15, 2020 12.0 ADJOURN