3. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 4:00 PM 3.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session 4. OPEN SESSION (10 min.) Speaker Cards will be accepted by the President via the Recording Secretary at this time. Speaker Cards will be accepted prior to the start of that item you wish to address. Once an item begins Speaker Cards will not be accepted. 4.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Upon recommendation of counsel for the Coronado Unified School District and at the request of counsel for Board Member Keszei, additional information has been received that requires further consideration. It is recommended that the public hearing described at Item 7.1 should be continued to the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on October 21, 2021.
Coronado Middle School Model UN Update
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (20 min.) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non-agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item may be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non-agenda items will be heard before the Consent Motion if there are three speaker cards or less per topic. If there are more than three speaker cards per topic, then the comments from the audience may be held until the end of the agenda. 5.1 Submission of Public Comments
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a speaker card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 6.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of August 7 & 19, 2021 6.2 Approve the Personnel Register 6.3 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services 6.4 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants 6.5 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment 6.6 Adopt the Fund 08 Resolution 21-09-04
Censure Hearing: Board Member, Stacy Keszei
Public Hearing on Sufficiency of Instructional Materials for 2021-22
Adopt 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals SACS Financial Report
Adopt Final Accounting for 2020-21 of Education Protection Account Funds
Adopt the GANN Limit Resolution 21-09-02
Approval of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) Expenditure Plan
8.5 Approve the Adoption of Advanced Placement (AP) Government Textbooks 8.6 Approve the Adoption of Palm Academy Physical Science Textbooks 8.7 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Psychology Textbooks 8.8 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Biology Textbooks 8.9 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) US History Textbooks 8.10 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Physics Textbooks
Adopt Resolution on Sufficiency of Instructional Materials for 2021-22 (Action)
Approve Temporary Increase of Hourly Rates for Classified Substitutes
Approve Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Certificated Substitutes
Approve the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) and the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), and approve related AB1200 disclosures
Approve the revised salary schedule for Certificated/Classified Management & Confidential (Non-Represented) Employees
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Deputy Superintendent
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Superintendent
Learning and Instruction Updates: Senior Director of Learning, Dr. Megan Battle (5 min. + Board Discussion) Spring and Summer 2021 Achievement Data CUSD Instructional Frameworks
Special Programs: Director of Special Programs, Shane Schmeichel (5 min. + Board Discussion) Special Programs Update CUSD Clubs
Department Updates: Deputy Superintendent, Donnie Salamanca (5 min. + Board Discussion) Maintenance, Operations, & Transportation (M.O.T.) Update Information Technology (IT.) Update Health and Human Services Agency - COVID19 Guidance Updates and Reopening Risk Management - SDCOE Reopening Guidance Updates Enrollment Updates CUSD Guidance Updates - Parent Letter
Revisions to Board Policies, Board Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, and/or Exhibits
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS (5 min.) 10.1 Upcoming Meetings 10.2 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
12. CLOSED SESSION 12.1 Discussion of Pending Negotiations with CSEA (Employee Organization) with Director of Human Resources, Armando Farias (Chief Negotiator), per Government Code 5495 14. ADJOURN
3. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION: 4:00 PM 3.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session 4. OPEN SESSION (10 min.) Speaker Cards will be accepted by the President via the Recording Secretary at this time. Speaker Cards will be accepted prior to the start of that item you wish to address. Once an item begins Speaker Cards will not be accepted. 4.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Upon recommendation of counsel for the Coronado Unified School District and at the request of counsel for Board Member Keszei, additional information has been received that requires further consideration. It is recommended that the public hearing described at Item 7.1 should be continued to the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on October 21, 2021.
Coronado Middle School Model UN Update
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (20 min.) Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda, non-agenda, and/or Closed Session items may do so. Individual speakers will be limited to three minutes. Total public input on any one subject will be limited to twenty minutes, and may be extended at the discretion of the Board President. Comments on an agenda item may be taken when the agenda item is discussed by the Board. Comments on non-agenda items will be heard before the Consent Motion if there are three speaker cards or less per topic. If there are more than three speaker cards per topic, then the comments from the audience may be held until the end of the agenda. 5.1 Submission of Public Comments
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a speaker card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 6.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of August 7 & 19, 2021 6.2 Approve the Personnel Register 6.3 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services 6.4 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants 6.5 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment 6.6 Adopt the Fund 08 Resolution 21-09-04
Censure Hearing: Board Member, Stacy Keszei
Public Hearing on Sufficiency of Instructional Materials for 2021-22
Adopt 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals SACS Financial Report
Adopt Final Accounting for 2020-21 of Education Protection Account Funds
Adopt the GANN Limit Resolution 21-09-02
Approval of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ESSER III) Expenditure Plan
8.5 Approve the Adoption of Advanced Placement (AP) Government Textbooks 8.6 Approve the Adoption of Palm Academy Physical Science Textbooks 8.7 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Psychology Textbooks 8.8 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Biology Textbooks 8.9 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) US History Textbooks 8.10 Approve the Adoption of College Preparatory (CP) Physics Textbooks
Adopt Resolution on Sufficiency of Instructional Materials for 2021-22 (Action)
Approve Temporary Increase of Hourly Rates for Classified Substitutes
Approve Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Certificated Substitutes
Approve the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) and the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), and approve related AB1200 disclosures
Approve the revised salary schedule for Certificated/Classified Management & Confidential (Non-Represented) Employees
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Deputy Superintendent
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Superintendent
Learning and Instruction Updates: Senior Director of Learning, Dr. Megan Battle (5 min. + Board Discussion) Spring and Summer 2021 Achievement Data CUSD Instructional Frameworks
Special Programs: Director of Special Programs, Shane Schmeichel (5 min. + Board Discussion) Special Programs Update CUSD Clubs
Department Updates: Deputy Superintendent, Donnie Salamanca (5 min. + Board Discussion) Maintenance, Operations, & Transportation (M.O.T.) Update Information Technology (IT.) Update Health and Human Services Agency - COVID19 Guidance Updates and Reopening Risk Management - SDCOE Reopening Guidance Updates Enrollment Updates CUSD Guidance Updates - Parent Letter
Revisions to Board Policies, Board Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, and/or Exhibits
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS (5 min.) 10.1 Upcoming Meetings 10.2 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
12. CLOSED SESSION 12.1 Discussion of Pending Negotiations with CSEA (Employee Organization) with Director of Human Resources, Armando Farias (Chief Negotiator), per Government Code 5495 14. ADJOURN