1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
4. RESIGNATION BY BOARD MEMBER STACY KESZEI 4.1 Fulfilling a Governing Board Vacancy Occurring on January 11, 2022 Since the vacancy occurred longer than six months before the November election, the Board has voted to make an Interim Appointment who would only hold the seat until the November 2022 regular election (Education Code 5091, 5093). The Board will interview the applicants at tonight's meeting, accept oral or written public input, and will select the provisional appointee by a majority vote. The Governing Board must assess the qualifications of Applicant for the Board Vacancy through the written applications and through an interview process (applications attached). This vacancy has been properly announced and advertised in local media. Applicants submitted their paperwork before the February 4, 2022, deadline at 4:00 PM. All applicants are qualified to apply for this position as determined by eligibility requirements specified in Education Code 35107. The following are applicants for the vacant position. Timothy Casey Deberie Gomez-Grobe Kathleen Mathis Alexia Palacios-Peters Lance Rodgers Malachy Sandie Bruce Shepherd 4.2 Interview and Voting Process to Fulfill a Board Vacancy 1. Applicants will be sequestered in the district office at 4:00 PM on February 15, 2022, located at 201 Sixth Street in Coronado. 2. Applicants will be asked to draw a number for the order in which they will be interviewed by the Board. 3. The meeting will be called to order by the Board President at 4:00 PM. 4. At approximately 4:30 PM while the other applicants remain in the conference room, in numerical order beginning with one (1), applicants will stand at the podium before the Board and will be asked four interview questions, one question after the next. Each applicant will be given two and a half (2m 30s) minutes maximum to answer each question for a total interview time of ten (10) minutes for each applicant. After completion of the interview, the applicant will sit in a designated chair behind the podium in the Board Room. 5. At the conclusion of the first round of interviews, the Board members will engage in a discussion of the applicants’ qualifications in front of the public. No further questioning of the applicants may take place. Any Board member may nominate an applicant at any time, or when appropriate, the Board President will call for a nomination of an applicant and a second of that nomination for that same applicant. The Board President will also ask for any additional nominations and seconds. If only one applicant is nominated and seconded, the Board will then vote for that one nominee. If the majority of the Board votes in favor of the nominee, the Interview and Voting Process concludes and the nominee is declared a Board member upon taking an Oath of Office any time after February 17, 2022, administered by the Superintendent. 6. If more than one nomination occurs and no further nominations are forthcoming, the Board President will thank the applicants not nominated for their time and ask those who were nominated to prepare for one more question in the second round of interviews. One question will be asked of each nominee. Each nominee will be given two and a half (2m 30s) minutes maximum to answer the question. At the conclusion of the second round of interviews, the Board members will engage in a discussion in front of the public. When appropriate the Board President will call for a nomination of an applicant and a second of that nomination for that same applicant. The process repeats until only one nominee receives three or more votes. 5. ADJOURN
1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
4. RESIGNATION BY BOARD MEMBER STACY KESZEI 4.1 Fulfilling a Governing Board Vacancy Occurring on January 11, 2022 Since the vacancy occurred longer than six months before the November election, the Board has voted to make an Interim Appointment who would only hold the seat until the November 2022 regular election (Education Code 5091, 5093). The Board will interview the applicants at tonight's meeting, accept oral or written public input, and will select the provisional appointee by a majority vote. The Governing Board must assess the qualifications of Applicant for the Board Vacancy through the written applications and through an interview process (applications attached). This vacancy has been properly announced and advertised in local media. Applicants submitted their paperwork before the February 4, 2022, deadline at 4:00 PM. All applicants are qualified to apply for this position as determined by eligibility requirements specified in Education Code 35107. The following are applicants for the vacant position. Timothy Casey Deberie Gomez-Grobe Kathleen Mathis Alexia Palacios-Peters Lance Rodgers Malachy Sandie Bruce Shepherd 4.2 Interview and Voting Process to Fulfill a Board Vacancy 1. Applicants will be sequestered in the district office at 4:00 PM on February 15, 2022, located at 201 Sixth Street in Coronado. 2. Applicants will be asked to draw a number for the order in which they will be interviewed by the Board. 3. The meeting will be called to order by the Board President at 4:00 PM. 4. At approximately 4:30 PM while the other applicants remain in the conference room, in numerical order beginning with one (1), applicants will stand at the podium before the Board and will be asked four interview questions, one question after the next. Each applicant will be given two and a half (2m 30s) minutes maximum to answer each question for a total interview time of ten (10) minutes for each applicant. After completion of the interview, the applicant will sit in a designated chair behind the podium in the Board Room. 5. At the conclusion of the first round of interviews, the Board members will engage in a discussion of the applicants’ qualifications in front of the public. No further questioning of the applicants may take place. Any Board member may nominate an applicant at any time, or when appropriate, the Board President will call for a nomination of an applicant and a second of that nomination for that same applicant. The Board President will also ask for any additional nominations and seconds. If only one applicant is nominated and seconded, the Board will then vote for that one nominee. If the majority of the Board votes in favor of the nominee, the Interview and Voting Process concludes and the nominee is declared a Board member upon taking an Oath of Office any time after February 17, 2022, administered by the Superintendent. 6. If more than one nomination occurs and no further nominations are forthcoming, the Board President will thank the applicants not nominated for their time and ask those who were nominated to prepare for one more question in the second round of interviews. One question will be asked of each nominee. Each nominee will be given two and a half (2m 30s) minutes maximum to answer the question. At the conclusion of the second round of interviews, the Board members will engage in a discussion in front of the public. When appropriate the Board President will call for a nomination of an applicant and a second of that nomination for that same applicant. The process repeats until only one nominee receives three or more votes. 5. ADJOURN