1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION (15 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
Board Recognition Congratulating Classified Employees of the Year 2021: Laura Orozco, Coronado High School; Ruben Sanchez, Coronado Middle School; Kathy Wood, Village Elementary; Kimberley Junk, Silver Strand Elementary; Terri Freepartner, District Office and District Classified Employee of the Year.
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (20 min.) Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card. Anyone wishing to speak to a non-agenda item or a closed session item are invited to queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; each speaker will have three minutes and may not yield their time; total public input will be twenty minutes (this time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President). If there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net. Pursuant to the Brown Act, during this period, the Board is not allowed to consider issues or take action on any item not listed on the agenda. Anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item may come forward when that agenda item is called or during nonagenda items; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a yellow card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Accept Donations to the Coronado Unified School District 4.2 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of February 15 & 17, 2022 4.3 Approve the Personnel Register 4.4 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants 4.5 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services 4.6 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment 4.7 A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan 4.9 Adopt Revisions to Board Policies, Board Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, and/or Exhibits 4.11 Approve New Job Description and Salary for Child Nutrition Services Supervisor/Registered Dietitian. 4.12 Approve the revised salary schedule for Certificated/Classified Management & Confidential (Non-Represented) Employees
PUBLIC HEARING (5 min.) Public Hearing on the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) Initial Proposals for Negotiations to the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), for the 2022-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract Reopeners)
*This clip was joined in progress* ACTION ITEMS (60 min.) Authorize a Positive District Certification of the Second Interim Budget for the Period Ending January 31, 2022
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-01 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of Minnesota NAPSO Master Agreement No. MNNVP-133 Amendment No. 4
Award of Contract to CDW-G for Purchase of Computer Equipment, Peripherals & Related Services based on the State of Minnesota NASPO Master Agreement piggyback purchasing bid No. MNNVP-133 through July 31, 2022.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-02 Authorizing the District to Participate in the Irvine Unified School District Bid No. 19/20-01 IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals
Award of Contract to CDW-G for Purchase of IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals based on the Irvine Unified School District Bid No. 19/20-01 IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-03 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of Minnesota NAPSO Master Agreement No. MNWNC-108 Amendment No. 3
Award of Contract to Dell Marketing L.P. for Purchase of Computer Equipment, Peripherals & Related Services based on the State of Minnesota NASPO Master Agreement piggyback purchasing bid No. MNWNC-108 through July 31, 2022.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-04 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Bid No. 3-20-70-0876AV for Information Technology Goods & Services
Award of Contract to Vector Resources, Inc. for Purchase of Information Technology Goods & Services based on the State of California CMAS Bid No. 3-20-70-0876AV.
Adopt the Coronado Unified School District's (CUSD) Initial Proposal for Negotiations to the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), for the 2022-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract Reopeners)
Approve the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) and the California School Employees Association (CSEA), and approve related AB1200 disclosures
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Deputy Superintendent
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Superintendent
REPORTS (20 min.) Student Board Member Report: Declan Dineen (5 min.)
CSEA Report - Marshall Redding (5 min.)
Superintendent's Long Range Plan Update (5 min. + Board Discussion) 1. Communication; Mask Guidance
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS (5 min.) 8.1 Upcoming Meetings • Regular Board Meeting, April 21, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, May 19, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, June 9, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, June 23, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, August 18, 2022 at 4pm 8.2 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
ITEMS PULLED CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR 4.8 Approve 2021 School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) 4.10 Nominate 2021 California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly Representatives
10. CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation/Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1)(2) - (threats regarding enforcement of student mask mandate) 11. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 11.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session 12. ADJOURN
1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION (15 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
Board Recognition Congratulating Classified Employees of the Year 2021: Laura Orozco, Coronado High School; Ruben Sanchez, Coronado Middle School; Kathy Wood, Village Elementary; Kimberley Junk, Silver Strand Elementary; Terri Freepartner, District Office and District Classified Employee of the Year.
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS (20 min.) Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card. Anyone wishing to speak to a non-agenda item or a closed session item are invited to queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; each speaker will have three minutes and may not yield their time; total public input will be twenty minutes (this time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President). If there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net. Pursuant to the Brown Act, during this period, the Board is not allowed to consider issues or take action on any item not listed on the agenda. Anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item may come forward when that agenda item is called or during nonagenda items; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) The purpose of the consolidated motion is to expedite action on routine agenda items. All agenda items will be approved as written as part of the consolidated motion. Items held for discussion will be acted upon individually after all other agenda items have been considered. Any member of the audience who wishes to speak to an agenda item should complete a yellow card and present it to the Recording Secretary before approval of the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Accept Donations to the Coronado Unified School District 4.2 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of February 15 & 17, 2022 4.3 Approve the Personnel Register 4.4 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants 4.5 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services 4.6 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment 4.7 A-G Completion Improvement Grant Plan 4.9 Adopt Revisions to Board Policies, Board Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, and/or Exhibits 4.11 Approve New Job Description and Salary for Child Nutrition Services Supervisor/Registered Dietitian. 4.12 Approve the revised salary schedule for Certificated/Classified Management & Confidential (Non-Represented) Employees
PUBLIC HEARING (5 min.) Public Hearing on the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) Initial Proposals for Negotiations to the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), for the 2022-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract Reopeners)
*This clip was joined in progress* ACTION ITEMS (60 min.) Authorize a Positive District Certification of the Second Interim Budget for the Period Ending January 31, 2022
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-01 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of Minnesota NAPSO Master Agreement No. MNNVP-133 Amendment No. 4
Award of Contract to CDW-G for Purchase of Computer Equipment, Peripherals & Related Services based on the State of Minnesota NASPO Master Agreement piggyback purchasing bid No. MNNVP-133 through July 31, 2022.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-02 Authorizing the District to Participate in the Irvine Unified School District Bid No. 19/20-01 IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals
Award of Contract to CDW-G for Purchase of IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals based on the Irvine Unified School District Bid No. 19/20-01 IT, Technology Equipment and Peripherals.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-03 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of Minnesota NAPSO Master Agreement No. MNWNC-108 Amendment No. 3
Award of Contract to Dell Marketing L.P. for Purchase of Computer Equipment, Peripherals & Related Services based on the State of Minnesota NASPO Master Agreement piggyback purchasing bid No. MNWNC-108 through July 31, 2022.
Adoption of Resolution No. 22-03-04 Authorizing the District to Participate in the State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Bid No. 3-20-70-0876AV for Information Technology Goods & Services
Award of Contract to Vector Resources, Inc. for Purchase of Information Technology Goods & Services based on the State of California CMAS Bid No. 3-20-70-0876AV.
Adopt the Coronado Unified School District's (CUSD) Initial Proposal for Negotiations to the Association of Coronado Teachers (ACT), for the 2022-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract Reopeners)
Approve the Agreement between the Coronado Unified School District (CUSD) and the California School Employees Association (CSEA), and approve related AB1200 disclosures
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Deputy Superintendent
Approve Amendment to Employment Contract: Superintendent
REPORTS (20 min.) Student Board Member Report: Declan Dineen (5 min.)
CSEA Report - Marshall Redding (5 min.)
Superintendent's Long Range Plan Update (5 min. + Board Discussion) 1. Communication; Mask Guidance
ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS (5 min.) 8.1 Upcoming Meetings • Regular Board Meeting, April 21, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, May 19, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, June 9, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, June 23, 2022 at 4pm • Regular Board Meeting, August 18, 2022 at 4pm 8.2 Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
ITEMS PULLED CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR 4.8 Approve 2021 School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) 4.10 Nominate 2021 California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly Representatives
10. CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation/Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1)(2) - (threats regarding enforcement of student mask mandate) 11. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 11.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session 12. ADJOURN