1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION (60 Min.) 4.1 Conference with Legal Counsel, Anticipated and/or Pending Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9 (one case) 4.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957)
RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 5.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session
WORKSHOP (90 Min.) Special Governing Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 31, 2023 – 1:00 PM Renee Cavanaugh, Dr. Scot Youngblood, Alexia Palacios-Peters, Whitney Antrim, Malachy Sandie Student Board Representative: Luke Johnson Superintendent/Secretary: Karl Mueller Recording Secretary: Kami McElligott Times indicated are Anticipated and Serve as Guidelines for Discussion; this meeting will be videotaped and will show live on the internet at https://coronadousd.net/about/boarddept/. Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card; anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shall come forward when that agenda item is called; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net 6.1 Governing Board Self-Evaluation
7. REPORTS (10 Min.) 7.1 CUSD Safety Audit Presentation: Jeff Winkler with School Safety Operations
WORKSHOP (90 Min.) Special Governing Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 31, 2023 – 1:00 PM Renee Cavanaugh, Dr. Scot Youngblood, Alexia Palacios-Peters, Whitney Antrim, Malachy Sandie Student Board Representative: Luke Johnson Superintendent/Secretary: Karl Mueller Recording Secretary: Kami McElligott Times indicated are Anticipated and Serve as Guidelines for Discussion; this meeting will be videotaped and will show live on the internet at https://coronadousd.net/about/boarddept/. Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card; anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shall come forward when that agenda item is called; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net 6.1 Governing Board Self-Evaluation
4. CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION (60 Min.) 4.1 Conference with Legal Counsel, Anticipated and/or Pending Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9 (one case) 4.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957) 8. ADJOURN
1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION (60 Min.) 4.1 Conference with Legal Counsel, Anticipated and/or Pending Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9 (one case) 4.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957)
RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION 5.1 Reconvene to Open Session and report out Action taken in Closed Session
WORKSHOP (90 Min.) Special Governing Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 31, 2023 – 1:00 PM Renee Cavanaugh, Dr. Scot Youngblood, Alexia Palacios-Peters, Whitney Antrim, Malachy Sandie Student Board Representative: Luke Johnson Superintendent/Secretary: Karl Mueller Recording Secretary: Kami McElligott Times indicated are Anticipated and Serve as Guidelines for Discussion; this meeting will be videotaped and will show live on the internet at https://coronadousd.net/about/boarddept/. Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card; anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shall come forward when that agenda item is called; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net 6.1 Governing Board Self-Evaluation
7. REPORTS (10 Min.) 7.1 CUSD Safety Audit Presentation: Jeff Winkler with School Safety Operations
WORKSHOP (90 Min.) Special Governing Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 31, 2023 – 1:00 PM Renee Cavanaugh, Dr. Scot Youngblood, Alexia Palacios-Peters, Whitney Antrim, Malachy Sandie Student Board Representative: Luke Johnson Superintendent/Secretary: Karl Mueller Recording Secretary: Kami McElligott Times indicated are Anticipated and Serve as Guidelines for Discussion; this meeting will be videotaped and will show live on the internet at https://coronadousd.net/about/boarddept/. Members of the public wishing to speak before the Board will not be required to fill out a yellow speaker card; anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item shall come forward when that agenda item is called; speakers will queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; speakers will have three minutes at the podium and may not yield their time to another speaker; total public input on any one agenda item will be limited to twenty minutes (This time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.); if there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net 6.1 Governing Board Self-Evaluation
4. CONVENE TO CLOSED SESSION (60 Min.) 4.1 Conference with Legal Counsel, Anticipated and/or Pending Litigation, Government Code Section 54956.9 (one case) 4.2 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957) 8. ADJOURN