1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION (10 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) 3.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of June 8 and 22, 2023 Minutes must be taken of all actions taken by the governing board and every official board action be affirmed by a formal vote of the board and recorded . (Education Code 35145, 35163) 3.2 Approve the Personnel Register The following candidates possess the appropriate certification and qualifications to meet the needs of students, to add value to CUSD, and to support the district’s vision, mission and goals. Each candidate has gone through a rigorous HR selection process as per BP 4111 and meets the requirements to be hired. 3.3 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants These purchase orders and warrants conform with California Education Code, Public Contract Code, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations which govern the procurement of goods and services for local education agencies. 3.4 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services California Education Code, Public Contract Code, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations govern the procurement of goods and services for local education agencies. These contracts for goods and services conform with relevant laws and regulations, are consistent with industry best practices and are necessary to meet the needs of students and staff to support teaching and learning. 3.5 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment The disposal and surplus of property and equipment is governed by California Education Code, Board Policies and Administrative regulations. The timely surplus of outdated and unusable property and equipment is integral to ensuring safe and conducive teaching and learning environments. 3.6 Resolution 23-08-01 Approval of Public Works Project Without Competitive Bidding Under Change Order No. 1 for the Coronado High School Gym Floor Refurbish Project.
Approve the 2023-24 Consolidated Application (ConApp), Spring Release
Approve to Continue Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Certificated Substitutes for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Approve to Continue Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Classified Substitutes for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Extend the Approval of the 2022-2023 School Year Temporary Increase of Daily Rates for Classified Substitutes through July 31, 2023.
ACT Report: President Jennifer Landry (5 min.)
Student Board Member Report: Wyatt Riebe (5 min.)
Learning Department Report (10 min.) Portrait of a Graduate Overview - Presented by SDCOE
Learning Department Report:Â Senior Director of Learning, Dr. Megan Battle (10 min.) National Center for Urban School Transformation Local Control Accountability Plan Clarifications per SDCOE Review
Deputy Superintendent Updates (5 min. + Board Discussion) Human Resources - Welcome, New Teachers! Student Services Updates Business and Operations: Child Nutrition Services Updates Information Technology Updates Maintenance and Operations Updates
Superintendent Updates (5 min. + Board Discussion) Long Range Plan School Safety Operations Report
Public Comments on Non-Agendized Items Non-Agenda/Closed Session Item s: Anyone wishing to speak to a non-agenda item or a closed session item are invited to queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; each speaker will have three minutes and may not yield their time; total public input will be twenty minutes (this time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President). If there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net. Please click here if you would like to share your comments electronically. Comments submitted electronically will be shared with all Trustees and posted with the meeting minutes. Pursuant to the Brown Act, during this period, the Board is not allowed to consider issues or take action on any item not listed on the agenda.
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
10. CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Student Matters: Settlement Agreement, Government Code 54962 and Education Code 35146: OAH 2023051050 10.2 Public Employee Releases/Resignations/Discipline/Dismissals/Reassignments/Non- Reelections (Gov. Code § 54957) 10.3 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957) 12. ADJOURN
1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Call to Order 2. OPEN SESSION (10 min.) 2.1 Pledge to the American Flag
Approval of the Agenda: Any changes to the agenda must be made at this time
CONSOLIDATED MOTION FOR CONSENT CALENDAR (5 min.) 3.1 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of June 8 and 22, 2023 Minutes must be taken of all actions taken by the governing board and every official board action be affirmed by a formal vote of the board and recorded . (Education Code 35145, 35163) 3.2 Approve the Personnel Register The following candidates possess the appropriate certification and qualifications to meet the needs of students, to add value to CUSD, and to support the district’s vision, mission and goals. Each candidate has gone through a rigorous HR selection process as per BP 4111 and meets the requirements to be hired. 3.3 Approve/Ratify Purchase Orders and Warrants These purchase orders and warrants conform with California Education Code, Public Contract Code, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations which govern the procurement of goods and services for local education agencies. 3.4 Approve/Ratify Contracts for Services California Education Code, Public Contract Code, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations govern the procurement of goods and services for local education agencies. These contracts for goods and services conform with relevant laws and regulations, are consistent with industry best practices and are necessary to meet the needs of students and staff to support teaching and learning. 3.5 Authorize Disposal of Surplus Property & Equipment The disposal and surplus of property and equipment is governed by California Education Code, Board Policies and Administrative regulations. The timely surplus of outdated and unusable property and equipment is integral to ensuring safe and conducive teaching and learning environments. 3.6 Resolution 23-08-01 Approval of Public Works Project Without Competitive Bidding Under Change Order No. 1 for the Coronado High School Gym Floor Refurbish Project.
Approve the 2023-24 Consolidated Application (ConApp), Spring Release
Approve to Continue Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Certificated Substitutes for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Approve to Continue Temporary Increase of Daily Rate for Classified Substitutes for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Extend the Approval of the 2022-2023 School Year Temporary Increase of Daily Rates for Classified Substitutes through July 31, 2023.
ACT Report: President Jennifer Landry (5 min.)
Student Board Member Report: Wyatt Riebe (5 min.)
Learning Department Report (10 min.) Portrait of a Graduate Overview - Presented by SDCOE
Learning Department Report:Â Senior Director of Learning, Dr. Megan Battle (10 min.) National Center for Urban School Transformation Local Control Accountability Plan Clarifications per SDCOE Review
Deputy Superintendent Updates (5 min. + Board Discussion) Human Resources - Welcome, New Teachers! Student Services Updates Business and Operations: Child Nutrition Services Updates Information Technology Updates Maintenance and Operations Updates
Superintendent Updates (5 min. + Board Discussion) Long Range Plan School Safety Operations Report
Public Comments on Non-Agendized Items Non-Agenda/Closed Session Item s: Anyone wishing to speak to a non-agenda item or a closed session item are invited to queue behind the podium and state their name and city prior to speaking; each speaker will have three minutes and may not yield their time; total public input will be twenty minutes (this time may be extended at the discretion of the Board President). If there are still speakers after twenty minutes they may submit their comments to the Board in writing at kmcelligott@coronadousd.net. Please click here if you would like to share your comments electronically. Comments submitted electronically will be shared with all Trustees and posted with the meeting minutes. Pursuant to the Brown Act, during this period, the Board is not allowed to consider issues or take action on any item not listed on the agenda.
Board Member Comments
Superintendent's Comments
Proposed List of Agenda Items for Future Board Meetings
10. CLOSED SESSION 10.1 Student Matters: Settlement Agreement, Government Code 54962 and Education Code 35146: OAH 2023051050 10.2 Public Employee Releases/Resignations/Discipline/Dismissals/Reassignments/Non- Reelections (Gov. Code § 54957) 10.3 Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (Gov. Code 54957) 12. ADJOURN